Arabic Coffee

Whenever you have a guest or a visitor at home, you must serve him a cup of coffee or tea.  A universal concept, but it has different cultural traditions in the Arabian Gulf especially when it comes to coffee.  Arabic coffee is the brewed coffee of Coffee Arabica beans and most Arabic countries throughout the middle east have developed unique methods of brewing coffee and preparing coffee.  Arabs in the Gulf brew their coffee usually with saffron, cardamom, cloves, and sometimes cinnamon.  Even the way Arabic coffee is served is different.  It is usually served in a della in small coffee cups called, finjans, usually a few drops at a time.  If you don’t indicate to the server that you want more, they will keep pouring you more.  You have to indicate by shaking the cup, for them to stop pouring.  If you don’t, you will be awake all night! 

We love the traditions that surround Arabic Coffee, we do not have finjans but we drink them from our Istikanas as we always love a little more coffee.  And we created an ode to the della with our embroidered Della Charm and our Della Print.  You can get our della print on our Stationery Box.  


(Images courtesy of Google Images, Library of Congress, and Pinterest) 


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